The African American Genealogy Group of the Miami Valley
The African American Genealogy
Group of the Miami Valley
Promoting African-American Genealogy and Black Family History
Lineage Certificates
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Lineage Certificates
Posted: 10/31/2014 - 4:48 am
Is there any reason why the AAGGMV cannot and or should not create our own lineage certificates tied particularly to the manumissions and early arrival settlers/settlements of the Miami Valley specifically and/or the state of Ohio generally?
Larry Hamilton

Lineage Certificates
Posted: 11/01/2014 - 10:16 am
Larry,  I think a certificate, or some type of recogniton, for the 'documented" research efforts of our members is a great idea. Do you see the certificate reflecting direct ancestry to a location, time period and/or event? Would/could membership to an existing lineage society qualify one for an AAGGMV certificate? Thanks for starting this discussion, I believe it has great worth and could be a stimulus for current members to document and perserve their research.
Art Thomas

Lineage Certificates
Posted: 11/04/2014 - 5:45 pm
This sounds like a good idea.   I believe those who belong to OGS or lineage societies might be catalysts for getting it off the ground.  AAGGMV could serve as mentors for those who want to give it a try.  A good newletter and/or newspaper article might generate needed publicity to get the ball rolling and generate further support. 
I suspect it will require an outreach effort. Go for it! 

Lineage Certificates
Posted: 11/23/2014 - 4:49 pm
At the AAGGMV meeting of 22November2014 attendees approved a project for an AAGGMV-sponsored lineage certification effort that will be led by Larry Hamilton.  All interested in this project should contact Larry.  Most attendees were not knowledgable about lineage certification which Larry described with great enthusiasm.

Lineage Certificates
Posted: 01/05/2015 - 6:30 am
Bob, at the December meeting I advised those in attendance of my on-going work in association with my proposal for our own AAGGMV Lineage Certificate.  Despite the reminder issued for our meeting there was sparse attendance but here is what I shared.  I appologize for not consulting with committee members who I had hoped to confer with before the last meeting but I think a committee of the whole might offer a more deliberative outcome.
The African American Genealogy Group of the Miami Valley (AAGGMV) established in 1999 and whose registered place of founding is Yellow Springs, OH will issue a lineage certificate to any proven descendants of African ancestored persons listed in the Name Abstract of Registers of Blacks in the Miami Valley. 
The introduction to the archived document (pictured here) states that “From 1804 to 1857, black people in Ohio had to register their freedom papers with the clerk of courts of common pleas in the county where they desired residency or employment.  State law required this registration and clerks of courts were to keep register books containing a transcript of each freedom certificate or other written proof of freedom.   The registers for Greene, Logan, Miami and part of Montgomery County containing over eight hundred names are accessible on-line through the preservation efforts of the Ohio Historical Society and the Archives and Special Collections at Wright State University.
(place link to WSU or AAGGMV for names here)
The rules of evidence for application to the issuance of the Freedom’s Struggle Certificate shall be any official Federal, State or County records or indexed citation sourced papers from Ancestry or Family Search (computer accessed) that are deemed by the AAGGMV to be sufficient and acceptable to prove lineal descent to the named ancestral family member listed in the book of Registers of Blacks in the Miami Valley.
(our link to a genealogical form or example of a personal narrative model of acceptance and other related information)
The cost of the Freedom’s Struggle Certificate will be fifty dollars which will include the membership fee(1) for enrollment within the sponsoring agency the African American Genealogy Group of the Miami Valley (AAGGMV) dining admission (2) to the Heritage Banquet where your Freedom’s Struggle Certificate (3) will be awarded and a donation to the proposed Freedom’s Struggle Monument (4) to be built in Rossville (Piqua) at the settlement of the largest group of those named in the register who became known as the Randolph Freedmen.
I have also made a preliminary draft of the Lineage Certificate design which loses formating when attempting to copy and paste.  If members who are interested will send me an email I will reply with the design attachment.    

Lineage Certificates
Posted: 01/07/2015 - 7:28 am

From: Larry Hamilton []
Tuesday, January 06, 2015 4:16 PM
Pasi, Gino J.
Subject: The Register


Hello Gino,


Thanks for taking the time to talk with me and to consider the appropriateness of the use of the register cover and or contents on the AAGGMV website with citation of the Special Collections & Archives at Wright State University.  This is the initial consideration for eventual approval for the group.


Larry Hamilton


From: Pasi, Gino J. []
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 4:50 PM
To: Larry Hamilton
Subject: RE: The Register

Thanks Larry,


This looks great.  Personally I think your proposal is spot on.  I hope the AAGGMV is amenable to it. 


So I spoke to my boss, Dawne Dewey, who told me as I suspected, that because the document is a public one (this is just information we took from an old government record) you may do with it what you want.  And there is no issue using the book’s front cover as an image on or with the certificate. 


After discussing this, we have decided to scan the book/Register and make it available on our Campus Online Repository.  This is where we put all of our scanned archival collections.  Perhaps you could simply link to the scanned document on your website.  Users however would then be taken to Wright State’s site for the information.  We probably won’t get to the scanning of the book for another month or two, but how does that sound? 


Let me know when you have a moment. 




Gino Pasi


Special Collections & Archives

Wright State University Libraries


937.775.2356 (f)





From: Larry Hamilton []
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 7:01am
To: Pasi, Gino J. []
Subject: RE: The Register


Hello Gino,


This is good news and it is as we both suspected.  I am particularly pleased that you would offer your involvement and assistance to our effort by posting the Register on your Campus Online Repository and I hope that we might be able to maintain an open line of communication in support of our Lineage Certificate and Heritage Banquet.  As a Wright State graduate I am especially appreciative of this outreach and hope that we might be able to post that information as an announcement specifically associated as a Black History Month offering.

Thank you.


Larry Hamilton

P. S. I will share our correspondence with the AAGGMV membership.



Lineage Certificates
Posted: 01/13/2015 - 1:35 pm
You're making wonderful progress in AAGGMV's quest for a Lineage Society program.