The African American Genealogy Group of the Miami Valley
The African American Genealogy
Group of the Miami Valley
Promoting African-American Genealogy and Black Family History
Reflections: authored by L. Shelbert Smith, PhD
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Reflections: authored by L. Shelbert Smith, PhD
Posted: 05/15/2014 - 12:01 pm
Thank you  for the inclusion and review of Dr. L. Shelbert "Smitty' Smith's book to our Member's Books Section.  I had not realized that he had written such a wonderful book on his life expeiences. Smitty was so personal and unassuming... amazing traits for a person of such great accomplishments. 

Reflections: authored by L. Shelbert Smith, PhD
Posted: 05/26/2014 - 7:30 am
I agree that Dr. Smith ["Smitty"] was so unassuming that one would suspect he never left home. Nothing is farther from the truth.  Again I wish I had known about his memoirs earlier.